Amanda Hudson Coaching

Welcome, you’ve arrived here because:

  • you’re interested in finding out more about how NLP can help you
  • someone has recommended me
  • you’re struggling with something and don’t know what to do about it
  • you are wanting to invest in your own or your employees well-being
  • you’re stuck and don’t know where to start

There are many reasons why people seek out coaching/therapy. Too many to mention but I hope that within the pages of this site you’ll find the information you need.

Throughout the pages you’ll read testimonies from my past clients that I hope will resonate with you. If you have any questions please send me an email or call me for an informal chat

Another way to feel great and do something for you at this time. My Downloads.
Available for:

  • Sleep Easily
  • Anxiety Management
  • Weight Management
  • Confidence

Please have a look and recommend them to friends who may be struggling at this time.

Retirement news

From August 2024 I will no longer be in practice; it’s time for me to retire and have some ‘Me time’. 
I’ve had nearly 20 years as a therapist here in Cornwall and in that time I’ve been privileged to help so many people and have the opportunity to work with families and friends as clients have referred me onto those people they know who need support.

Thank you for referring me and to those who have given me testimonials over the years. I am very grateful. 

I will leave this page here for a while as you might link to read up on NLP or access the Downloads to use in your own time.

Things change

Now is a great time to have look at your business plan, or personal goals. Our lives have changed since March 2020 (lockdown); we’ve all been giving an opportunity to make some changes to the way we live and work. For some, it’s a wake up call to how life could be better in the future but for others is a major cause of anxiety. Either way, I’d like to support you to manage your journey.

Thank you.

What do my clients say?

Thanks for the help that you have given me during our recent sessions. I came to you at a time in my life where I was suffering with near constant headaches and struggling to think clearly about where I was in life and what I wanted my future to look like. I felt like life was happening to me rather than my being in control and experiencing life directly. Through the sessions with you and the techniques that you used I now feel clear-headed and in more control of my life, knowing that everything is exactly as it should be and that there are many directions that I could take. The sessions have also enabled me to look at my headaches objectively and this has led me to research potential causes and take steps to resolve them, which is already helping to reduce the frequency and intensity of the headaches. Thanks again for the enjoyable sessions, your breadth of knowledge and your professionalism” – M, Falmouth

Hi Amanda – It’s two months today since you hypnotised me to stop smoking and I just wanted to let you know that I haven’t even been tempted.  Since seeing you that day I’ve survived a week in Paris (where everyone smokes), a London wedding (where normally I’d have been one of the ones outside through much of the event, along with the other smokers), having dinner with my best friend where she and my husband both smoked in front of me, and various other opportunities and I still haven’t smoked. Sometimes, yes, I have missed it but then when I thought about actually doing it – about actually inhaling the smoke and the stink afterwards – yuck! So thank you so much for helping me. Being a non-smoker is such a relief and I can feel all sorts of things in my life changing as a result. Smoking has dogged my life since I was 15 and now I’m 53. I never thought I’d be able to give up but I really do feel that this is the end of the line for me and fags. And I know I have your support which really helps. For anyone else wanting to quit smoking I 100% recommend you. You were recommended to me by another friend who you helped to quit and he has never smoked since and that was 8 years ago.  All the best, and thanks again, FJ

“In just four sessions with Amanda she not only helped me to improve  my work focus and my marriage, but also how to consolidate my sense of identity during a career change. She is an ace at pinpointing what the problem is, in both practical and emotional terms, and helps you to work your way through how to approach getting the issue sorted or the challenge won.  I always feel so much lighter and more confident after talking things through with her. It’s even more comfortable than being able to talk to a best friend, parent or sibling, because there is no judgement and you are free to say what you really and truly think and feel. Obviously this is a rare privilege, and I feel very lucky to have had it. Working with her on zoom has been easy and Amanda brings her own calm and positivity to the hour you spend with her. I have already recommended her Life MOT skills to friends and family and thoroughly recommend her to anyone who needs persuading of how beneficial time spent with her is.” FM

“Hello Amanda ,

I thought you might like to hear that my husband did fly to Thailand .

Despite the months of worry he seemed very calm when we arrived at Heathrow and carried on that way right through to departure gate and on to flight. Return flight not a problem either and no worrying in between about getting home.
Had the most fabulous family holiday , spent 5 days on 2 different Islands,lapping up sea, sand and snorkelling then flew on a propeller plane back to Bangkok in a lightning storm with turbulence ….. Seemed no problem for my husband, but us other 3 adults holding on to the edges of our seats !!! Who would have thought it !
Thank you for all the support you gave him on the lead up to the flight , it was a much needed relaxing / amazing family holiday.”

“Dear Amanda, Just a note to say that it has now been well over a year since I  saw you and I have been completely smoke free since I left your place. I just thought I’d let you know and for how grateful I am. My life is so much more pleasant as a result.Thanks for changing my life”. Richard. From Helston

“Hi Amanda and happy new year! > > I have just received a text from my husband to say that he has just landed in Copenhagen! Not only have you managed to get him on an aeroplane you have given him the confidence to retain and get an amazing job that is worthy of his skills and talents. How different our lives will be now thanks to all your help and guidence. I can’t thank you enough Amanda, I genuinely can’t. > > I also wanted to say a massive thank you for helping me with my confidence issues. I superseded all my expectations of what I could achieve by actually climbing Kilimanjaro 14 months after my first meeting with you. The tools you gave me will stay with me for the rest of my life, thank you so, so much. > > You’re a star!” G from West Cornwall

You’ve made the biggest impact on my life, it’s monumental. I never expected it to be so easy, I was sceptical but you altered the way I think. I didn’t realise it at the time but now I’ve worked it out and my thoughts have progressed and the gaps between the fags became greater and greater, the cravings just disappeared and its all of my own free will. You’ve done me a huge favour so I wanted to let you know. I have no inclination to go back smoking“. Andrew M”

Amanda say’s ‘I also love working in the community, I get to work with some fantastic people and see some amazing results in a short space of time. Equally, the one to one support for managers has been invaluable to businesses, ensuring smooth operations management and proactive communication. This is my work balance, there’s never a dull day at the office!’

