Coaching Sessions
What is coaching and NLP?
You know when you have a conversation with a friend/colleague that puts things in perspective for you? When you just feel better for talking it through? when the other person really listens – they ‘get you’? Coaching is about developing you and having someone who listens and allows you the space to explore. A coach helps to draw out the solutions from you rather than gives you the answers. It promotes your own personal development.
All sessions are confidential and are carried out with care and respect. Amanda is governed by a Code of Ethics and National Occupational Standards, she also maintains her professionalism with Continued Professional Development.
See my FAQ’s if you have questions or give me a call on 07958956216 or email;
Tell me about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
NLP was created in the 1970’s by Richard Bandler (above with Amanda) and John Grinder amongst others. They looked at some of the great therapists of their time (modelling) including Hypnotherapists and developed strategies that would support people to change and grow.
Today NLP continues to be developed as new learning is incorporated and it remains flexible and adaptable in its approach to supporting individuals.

NLP has many uses and is incorporated into all the therapies I offer. It’s sometime described as the ‘user manual for the mind’ I find it particularly good for managing relationships, especially the one we have with ourselves (our inner dialogue) boosting motivation and confidence, learning about our minds.
NLP is:
- A fantastic tool for communication
- Practical and adaptable
- A way to support you to change unwanted behaviours
- Focused on positive outcomes
- Exploration
- Learning how we tick
- Confidential (Content Free)
- Fun and easy to us
It’s how we use our minds to create the programmes/habits/behaviours that we have. When we know how and why we create habits we can then start to learn how we change them.
Dear Amanda,
Thank you again for all your help in my problems with anxiety and confidence. Before the sessions of hypnotherapy, I had no way of overcoming the anxiety that I felt on a near constant basis. Now I have techniques to use if ever that feeling appears, however, between sessions and now after, that anxiety has barely made itself known. I find that I automatically put those techniques to use but often do not need to, the hypnotherapy has really helped to unlock an inner confidence and sense of control if I start to feel anxious or worried and I can easily overcome it, many times without even realising it. This has been the hugest relief for me as I feel I have control over my life for the first time, mentally I feel stronger and I feel that I can push myself to do things in every day life that I wouldn’t have been able to do before, which amazes me still as it’s only been two months since I had the first session. The sessions were relaxing and insightful, and I feel that I will only become more mentally stronger in time thanks to the hypnotherapy. Thank you so much, you have helped beyond expectations.
Here’s what a mum sent me recently:
Dear Amanda
“On behalf of Sabian and myself we wish to thank you for the incredible treatment Sabian received from you concerning his very severe needle phobia which over the years caused him so much anxiety and trauma
During these very important blood tests for the US embassy Sabian was also told he needed several vaccines to complete the process required for his US passport he calmly came through this request and stated that he was over his needle phobia for good!
Once again we cannot thank you enough for this life changing therapy!”
“I would like to thank you for the help & support you have given me recently and I can honestly say it has changed my life. I continue to work and build on everything that we covered and remain as focused as ever.
To that end I think it wouldn’t be beneficial to me to keep our next appointment next week.I will certainly be back in touch should I feel the need in the future, but for now I am confident when i state that I am moving forward with a mindset that you have helped me achieve”
“Just to let you know that the two sessions of Hypnotherapy I had for my fear of flying were a great success.
I was relaxed for the first time ever and actually slept on the eighteen hour flight.
Taking into consideration that previous to this I had only ever managed a four hour flight and was terrified for the whole journey, this was truly amazing.
I can honestly say that my decision to have hypnotherapy has changed my life forever.
Thank you so much from my Husband and I”.
“I would like to thank-you for all of the help you have given me over the last 5 months. Initially you helped me with insecurities and relationship issues. Your help has meant that I now feel confident and in control. As a result my GP is pleased to be reducing my anti-depressants over the next few months.
Here are a few videos:
Sports Performance Iwan Thomas with Richard Bandler
Research: An effective treatment for anxiety. Lisa Wake
Please also look at