Happy New Year to you all.
Have you made any New years resolutions? Have you broken any yet???
It’s the time of year when we sit and think and make plans for the coming months. There are numerous ways in which we do this but I’m going to look at – Are you motivated by moving towards or away from something?
Here’s an example:
Sometimes we reflect on past years and we might talk about “I don’t want another like the last one!” (Moving away from)
I’m planning on improving my fitness this year (Moving towards)
My challenge to you this month is to learn to listen to yourself and notice when you say what you actually mean rather than, just what think you mean. Do you want your focus to be in the past or on your future? I hope you know the answer to this.
When we set ourselves goals (new year resolutions) we naturally move towards them, given the right motivation. Goals set our minds on a journey of exploring what it might be like to have that goal – Do you ever imagine yourself already on holiday or what you will do at the weekend? This is your mind preparing itself for a change and it doesn’t matter if it’s a big or small change, the process is the same. We all need time to adjust to something, minutes or months/years it all starts deep within our minds before we can be ready to make plans take action.
Good luck with your goals this year. Make the first goal to set goals