The sun is shining here today, doesn’t it make you feel full of energy? It’s days like this when I get the urge to go for a run – oh, I’m not a runner! But isn’t amazing the effect the weather or the type of light can have on us? It makes me very aware that I need to get out in the environment to replenish my energy.It’s part of taking care of me.

This weekend is the first Supervision group of the year. This is a place where other Hypnotherapists can come to discuss their case-load confidentially. It helps us to take care of ourselves so that we can then improve our service to our clients. I’ll be looking at the latest research updates, seeing what other training we might need to do to keep up to date and also looking at how we can promote Hypnotherapy to our local GP surgeries in the future.
Back to running! Well, cycling for me, but whatever your sport is you’ll have an inner dialogue about you do it – or not on some day. At the moment I am working with several people who are looking to improve or wanting to achieve a place in an event this spring/summer. There are lots of well researched techniques that can effect our performance. Probably the best know is Visualisation. have you ever imaging what it be like to……….? Well that’s the start of a great visualisation.
Dream – Believe – Achieve